Student Handbook 2024-2025

Injury, Illness, or Exposure During Goldfarb School of Nursing Practice or at School

Policy Statement:

Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College has established the following policy and procedures to assist employees with handling and documenting all student injuries, illnesses or exposures occurring while the student is on college property or during practica and lab experiences. Injury_Illness_Policy and Incident_Report 


  1. In the event of injury, illness or exposure that requires immediate medical attention –
    The student must: a. Notify the faculty member if practical; b. Dial 911; c. Call campus security at (314) 362-0911. The student will be taken to the closest available emergency department.

2. In the event of a non-critical injury, illness or exposure –

The student must: a. Notify the faculty member immediately. Faculty will then notify their direct manager, who will then notify Assistant Dean and Dean of College. b. The student may elect evaluation and treatment site.

In the event of injury, illness or exposure, regardless of severity or location –

The faculty must: a. Complete and sign the “Student Report of Injury, Illness or Exposure” form (located on the Sharepoint  and on the College website) within 48 hours of the incident; b. Forward the original Injury, Illness, Exposure form to the Associate Dean for Student Experience and Development for filing.

  Note: In either case (critical or non-critical injury, illness or exposure), the student is responsible for follow-up care, hospitalization, and costs incurred.

  If the injury/illness is of a critical nature the student will be taken to the Barnes Jewish Hospital emergency department; if it is non-critical, the student may choose a site for evaluation and treatment. In either case, the student is responsible for follow-up care, hospitalization, and costs incurred.