Student Handbook 2024-2025

General Non-discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures

Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. Discrimination or harassment is strictly prohibited on College property, in all academic programs and extracurricular activities, and at College-sponsored events and activities, regardless of whether or not the event takes place on College property. The General Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures are not intended to govern complaints involving claims of sexual harassment. Complaints involving claims of sexual harassment will be investigated and adjudicated solely based on the Title IX Policies and Procedures outlined below.

The College takes all claims of harassment very seriously. Students engaging in such acts will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from the College and banning the student from the College.

Prohibited Conduct

It is the College’s policy to prohibit any unwelcome verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward any member of the College because of his/her protected status. This prohibition applies to all students and individuals who work for or with the College, or who regularly participate in the College’s programs, including managers, supervisors, employees, vendors, suppliers, volunteers, clients, customers, or program participants. Examples of prohibited conduct include but are not limited to verbal conduct such as racial epithets and derogatory comments; visual conduct such as posters, e-mail, drawings, cartoons, or postings on social networking sites that denigrate based on a protected status; and physical conduct such as unwanted touching.

Other Inappropriate Conduct

Conduct that does not constitute prohibited discrimination or harassment under the law or under any of the College’s policies still may be inappropriate for the College environment or workplace. Even if the College determines an individual’s behavior does not rise to the level of prohibited discrimination or harassment under this policy, the College may impose appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

As a general rule, disciplinary action will be imposed under this paragraph if the College believes the behavior or conduct was inappropriate, unprofessional, objectionable, inconsistent with reasonable rules of conduct, inconsistent with the spirit of the College’s harassment-free and discrimination-free philosophy or policy, or is not in the best interest of the College or its students.

Reporting a Complaint

Any student who has a question, concern or complaint of discrimination or harassment based on one’s protected status is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the Associate Dean of Student Experience and Development. If the question, concern or complaint involves the Associate Dean of Student Experience and Development, or if the student is not comfortable discussing the matter with him/her, the student may bring the matter to the attention of the Dean or any College Administrator.

Any College Administrator who becomes aware of potential violations of this policy is required to contact the Associate Dean of Student Experience and Development. If the potential violation concerns the Associate Dean of Student Experience and Development, the Dean should be contacted instead. If the potential violation concerns the Dean, the President should be contacted instead.


All reports of inappropriate conduct will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, and the College will act to ensure that any improper conduct ceases immediately, and corrective action is taken to prevent a recurrence. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to the full range of corrective action, up to and including dismissal. The College will inform the complainant of the resolution of the complaint as appropriate.

No Retaliation

Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports or assists in making a good faith complaint of prohibited harassment or discrimination and/or who cooperates in any harassment or discrimination investigation. Prohibited retaliation may include, but is not limited to, withholding pay increases, poor evaluations, onerous work assignments, demotion, discipline or dismissal. If the College determines that any Campus community member has violated this policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the offending Campus community member.


Nothing in this policy shall be construed as creating a cause of action. Neither the proscriptions of, nor actions taken under this policy shall on that basis prevent Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing from fully arguing for or against the existence of any fact and the scope or meaning of any law in any forum.