Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Affairs Committee

The Student Affairs Committee is appointed by and under the direction of the Faculty Organization. The Student Affairs Committee is responsible for hearing appeals related to academic dismissal and violations of the Student Integrity standards that do not involve harassment or discrimination. The Student Affairs Committee Members are chosen pursuant to the Faculty Organization Bylaws.

Appeals of academic dismissal not involving issues of student integrity are handled by The Student Affairs Committee in accordance with the process set forth in Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal, subsection (C), Appeal of Academic Dismissal.

In appeals for violations of Student Integrity Standards, the charged student and the charging person if he or she was a victim of or otherwise harmed by the alleged policy violation, will have an equal opportunity to give statements, present evidence, and provide witnesses at the hearing. Lawyers may attend the hearing but are not permitted to participate in the hearing. The Student Affairs Committee may also allow other persons (including the charging party if he or she is not otherwise involved in the hearing) to give written or oral statements regarding the incident for consideration. The charged student, or charging person if applicable, may request a special hearing by the Chair of the Faculty Organization, select members of the Student Affairs Committee (appointed by the Chair) and the Associate Dean of Student Experience and Development on grounds of the extreme sensitivity of the charge or related issues.

The Student Affairs Committee’s objective is to determine the facts of the incident surrounding the complaint, and to make a determination regarding responsibility for violating College standards. If the charged student is found responsible for the alleged violations for which he/she is accused, then the Student Affairs Committee will determine appropriate sanctions, up to and including dismissal, and present their sanctions in writing to the student(s) as soon as reasonably possible. Others involved in the incident or resolution of the charge may be informed on a need-to-know basis.