Student Handbook 2024-2025

Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC - ATI Testing Policy

Introduction: Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes Jewish College selected Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC (ATI) as the provider for nationally standardized assessments.
Purpose: To provide undergraduate students and their faculty with guidelines for utilization of the ATI Assessments.
Policy Statements: ATI products are integrated across the undergraduate curriculum in each content area. The curriculum alignment was drafted using documents related to course sequence and course descriptions.
Summary: ATI assessments provide one way to identify undergraduate student strengths and weaknesses for teaching and learning purposes. ATI assessments provide a plan for filling learning gaps by providing knowledge assessments and focused reviews to guide remediation.

ATI Policy

All pre-licensure nursing students will use the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Nursing Education program. This program is designed to assist in identifying student mastery of content (Level 2 proficiency) and prepare the student for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).

The comprehensive review program includes learning and assessment activities, such as case studies, supplemental review materials, quizzes, practice assessments, proctored and predictive assessments that include the updated scoring methods and scoring expected on the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN). ATI materials are integrated throughout the curriculum in selected courses. The proctored assessments constitute (10%) of the exam average. These assessments will follow the testing policy in the syllabus.

Students scoring below the recommended Level 2 proficiency on a required assessment must complete an individualized, structured remediation (review) plan as outlined by the remediation specialist and submit appropriate documentation of their work prior to retaking the assessment. Failure to complete the remediation work and retake by the end of the course will result in an Incomplete (I) course grade until the remediation is complete and the proctored assessment has been retaken. In the event the student does not meet the minimum Level 2 proficiency on the second attempt, the student must continue to meet with the remediation specialist for ongoing content remediation and NCLEX preparation targeting the areas of suggested improvement. Highest attempt will be recorded.

ATI GRADING SCALE                                             :

Level 3 =100 %                                               

Level 2 = 90 %                                                

Level 1 =78%                                                  

Below Level 1 = 70%                                      


ATI Alignment

UD  Option:

Term 1: None

Term 2: RN Fundamentals- NURS 3260U

Term 3: RN Mental Health- NURS 3350U, RN Maternal Newborn- NURS 3360U

Term 4: RN Adult Medical Surgical- NURS 4250U, RN Nursing Care of Children -NURS 4160U

Term 5: RN Pharmacology-NURS 4300U, RN Comprehensive Predictor- NURS 4300U


ACC Option:

Term 1: RN Fundamentals- NURS 4935A

Term 2: RN Mental Health- NURS 3350U, RN Maternal Newborn- NURS 3360U

Term 3: RN Nursing Care of Children -NURS 4160A, RN Adult Medical Surgical- NURS 4910A, RN Comprehensive Predictor- NURS 4360A, RN Pharmacology-NURS 4360A


WEO Option:

Term 1: None

Term 2: None

Term 3: RN Fundamentals- NURS 3260W

Term 4: None

Term 5: RN Adult Medical Surgical- NURS 4250W

Term 6: RN Mental Health- NURS 3350W, RN Maternal Newborn- NURS 3360W

Term 7: RN Nursing Care of Children- NURS 4160W

Term 8: None

Term 9: RN Pharmacology- NURS 4300U, RN Comprehensive Predictor- NURS 4300W