Your username is the same for all the systems mentioned above and will have two or three letters and four or five numbers (i.e.: xy12345). Use this ID when you see the following login screen:

For applications that use the new Microsoft login screen shown below, add after your username

In addition to using the new login to access Microsoft Outlook and other Microsoft applications (e.g. Word, EXCEL, PowerPoint, OneDrive) you will also use it to log into Canvas.
- If you are a returning student or had a BJC ID as an employee, your ID will not change, but you will need to reset your password
- If you are a current BJC employee, you won’t have to change your password.
- Your username is different than your email address which will be your first name.last name with
- Student also have additional user alias created with your first and last name ( and that will all go to your Microsoft Outlook email account.