Student Handbook 2024-2025


Although the College does not routinely monitor information transmitted, stored, received, or retrieved electronically on the College’s computers and the resources it makes available, including, among other things, electronic mail, it retains the right to do so. There is no expectation of privacy in any information transmitted, stored, received, or retrieved electronically on the College’s computers and the resources it makes available, including among other things electronic mail. Use of any College computer or other electronic resource made available through the College constitutes consent to a search and disclosure as described in this policy.

The College may search, retrieve, or view any information or data entered, transmitted, received, stored, or retrieved on its computers and the resources it makes available in connection with, among other things:

  1. Maintenance or improvement
  2. Monitoring for viruses and other destructive computer programs
  3. Investigation of violation of College policy
  4. Investigation by an authorized law enforcement or federal, state, or local agency
  5. Where otherwise required by law
  6. When authorized by the President or the academic Dean of the College.