Emergency and Inclement Weather Procedures
Compliance with the following procedures will afford maximum safety of students and visitors. Active and knowledgeable action in time of disaster, utilization of available facilities for safety and evacuation, and initiation of a system whereby all persons can be accounted for in case of a disaster is the best assurance of survival.
- Procedure for Fire Warning: The fire alarm is a constant horn that sounds regularly and flashes on every floor:
- Close doors; exit the building using the closest stairwell and building exit;
- Do not use elevators.
- Gather at the designated meeting place in front of the Duncan-Taylor Garage for further instructions.
- Procedures for Fire Drills:
- Regular fire drills are held with the date, time, and type of drill determined by the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Department of Environmental Health and Safety.
- Procedure for Tornado Warning: When the city issues a warning by activating the horn system or by the National Weather Service announcement:
- Remain calm; close blinds or curtains in the room/office;
- Go to the lowest possible level;
- The Parkview and Plaza Auditoriums should be used during inclement weather since these rooms do not have windows;
- When the "All Clear" is issued by the National Weather Service announcement, individuals may return to their activities;
- Follow all directions provided by the BJH Public Safety officer or from College leadership;
- Procedure for Earthquake: In the event of an actual quake, there will be no time for an alarm:
- During an earthquake:
- Remain calm
- If you are caught outside when the quake occurs, do not attempt to take refuge in or near a building or structure. Building entrances are especially hazardous due to falling objects. Avoid trees, power lines and utility poles, glass and other objects that could fall on you. If you’re able to, move to an open area away from all hazards.
- If you are indoors when the quake starts, remain there and take shelter, unless ordered to evacuate.
- Stay away from heavy furniture, appliances, large panes of glass, shelves holding heavy objects and masonry veneer. These items tend to fall or break and can injure you.
- As quickly as possible, try to get under something sturdy such as a desk or a table to protect against falling objects. If the shaking causes the desk or table to move, be sure to move with it. If a table or desk is not available, go to an interior doorway, crouch down, and protect your head and neck. Avoid doorways encased by metal walls, as well as exterior walls, doors and windows. Remain in a protected place or position until the shaking stops. After the quake, remain in the same position for several minutes in case of aftershocks.
- If it becomes necessary to evacuate a building, do not rush for the stairwell or exit.
- You should be aware of all possible ways to exit your floor in the event that an evacuation is necessary. At Barnes-Jewish Hospital and adjacent properties, evacuate horizontally. If horizontal evacuation is not an option, proceed vertically through the stairwell. Evacuation will be determined by specific events and assessments.
- Do not utilize elevators. If the power fails, the elevators should stop, and the lights will go out. If you are trapped in an elevator, you are probably better protected than most people because nothing heavy can fall on you. Be patient. You will soon be rescued.
- If you are in a motor vehicle when the shaking starts, pull over and stop. Park away from bridges, overpasses, power lines or other hazards. If you are driving in a developed area, steer away from tall masonry structures. After you pull off of the road, stay in the vehicle until the shaking stops. Turn on the radio if the vehicle has one.
- After the Earthquake:
- Be flexible concerning what to do and where to go in an emergency. Even the best laid plans may be subject to change during a natural disaster.
- Be prepared for aftershocks and take cover if shaking begins again.
- After the earthquake has stopped, and a reasonable amount of time has passed waiting for possible aftershocks, quick and decisive action is necessary to minimize further injuries and property loss:
- Check for injuries in your area and apply first aid. Do not move seriously injured individuals unless they are in immediate danger.
- Facility Services will be checking and shutting off gas lines where ruptures have occurred. If you smell gas or suspect damage to gas lines, turn off the gas at the local shut-off valve if you are aware of its location. If you are unable to shut off the gas, contact Facility Services or Security and then evacuate the area.
- Use flashlights instead of candles, as open flames could ignite leaking gas.
- Wear boots or heavy shoes and gloves if possible to avoid being cut by glass or debris. For women, an extra pair of tennis shoes should be kept in a desk drawer to replace shoes with high heels.
- Check your area for cracks or damage. Report any damage to Facilities Engineering, Security, or call the EH&S Emergency Pager at 314-790-7968.
- EH&S may be involved in cleaning chemical spills in other areas and may be unavailable. If chemical spills are noted, contact Security or call the EH&S Emergency Pager at 314-790-7968. Ensure that lids are tightly closed on all containers. Be aware of hazardous chemicals in your area that may have spilled. If toxic or hazardous substances do spill and create toxic vapors/gases, close off the area and contain the spill if you can do so safely.
- Stay tuned to a portable TV or radio for news and instructions. KMOX 1120 on the AM dial is designated as the radio network to tune into in the event of an emergency.
- Check water supplies. If the water is off, secure emergency water obtained from toilets, melted ice cubes, boilers and hot water heaters. Use garbage cans with clean plastic liners for water storage. Do not flush toilets until you know the sewer lines are intact and the water supply is restored.
- Procedure for Disaster within Medical Center
- When authorities have been notified of a disaster, the Command Center for the College is the Dean's Board Room. Faculty members will account for students in their classes. Faculty in clinical areas within the medical center account for themselves and their students and notify the Barnes-Jewish College Command Center. Clinical instructors and students remain in the clinical area and await further instructions.