Student Handbook 2024-2025

Leave of Absence


Policy Statement


This policy outlines the requirements of academic leaves of absence for Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing (“College”).  Students, other than international students, in good standing may request a leave of absence to drop/withdraw current term coursework based on supporting documentation and dates for uniformed service, unexpected emergencies, and medical reasons.  The student begins the leave of absence request by notifying the Academic and Student Support Advisor (“Advisor”) in writing and submitting the formal written request with all relevant supporting documentation no later than one month prior to the end of the term that the leave of absence request is submitted.  The Advisor will work closely with the Registrar to process the necessary paperwork for the leave of absence request beginning with the term that the request was initiated.  The time limit for a leave of absence is a maximum of two consecutive terms of non-enrollment.  Students whose enrollment has been interrupted for more than two consecutive terms are required to reapply for admission unless an extenuating circumstance is presented to and approved by the Dean or Associate Dean of Student Experience and Development.  All current College policies in effect at the time of reenrollment will apply.  This policy does not apply to international students who must contact the Primary Designated School Official or Designated School Official for details related to any leave of absence.



Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing students who are enrolled full-time or



Procedures for Requesting a Leaves of Absence

The student begins the leave of absence request by notifying the Academic and Student Support Advisor in writing and submitting the formal written request with all relevant supporting documentation depending on the type of leave of absence in a single request ideally no later than one month prior to the end of the term that the leave of absence request is submitted.  A student should remain active and/or progressing in the term until a leave of absence if officially approved unless the emergency prevents the option to continue until finalized. It is important for the student to work closely with the Academic and Student Support Advisor to provide all relevant supporting documentation for the specific type of leave of absence. The Leave of Absence request form will not be reviewed until all relevant supporting documentation is received by the Academic and Student Support Advisor. If approval is granted, the date notifications included within the relevant supporting documentation as a “start date” will be used for record updates. If approved, the Registrar will be notified to update the student record accordingly and confirmation will be sent to the student. The student should respond to all communication until Leave of Absence is completely reviewed, approved, and officially processed within the system of record.


A leave of absence may affect student financial aid.  For financial aid purposes, many students will be considered to have withdrawn as of the date the leave of absence begins (certain exceptions, among others, are listed in 34 C.F.R. § 668.22(d)).  Depending on the circumstances, a leave of absence may trigger, for example, requirements for returning disbursed aid and/or repayment obligations.  Students who receive financial aid should meet with a Financial Aid Counselor before taking a leave of absence for more information on how their aid may be affected by the leave.


NOTE: Some academic programs do not offer courses each term. Therefore, the approved timeline for a Leave of Absence may extend beyond two consecutive terms with approval from the Dean or Associate Dean of Student Experience and Development.


A leave of absence request will consider the following conditions:

  • After a term begins, the student’s Academic and Student Support Advisor is to be informed of the need for a leave of absence as soon as is reasonably possible.
  • For approved leave of absences, all course registration and records will be updated appropriately according to standard procedures, supporting documentation, and enrollment reporting.
  • Leave of absences are approved for a specific timeframe based on the dates within supporting documentation (see types of leave of absence criteria for details). If the leave of absence requires an extension that falls within the maximum two terms, students will need to contact their Academic and Student Support Advisors in writing before the date that the original leave of absence expires to request an extension.
  • If a student is withdrawn for any reason before requesting a leave of absence, a request for a leave of absence cannot be considered until the course, term, or college withdrawal is resolved. 
  • Earned grades cannot be retroactively changed due to a leave of absence.
  • All current student requirements at the time of reentry and readmission are in effect for the student’s reactivation including curriculum, course catalog, and policies.

If a leave of absences is approved and taken before grades are earned or the end of the effective term, the student’s transcript will show withdrawals (W) for all registered courses in accordance with the dates published on the Academic Calendar (Registration | Goldfarb School of Nursing ( Withdrawals as a result of a LOA will not be counted in a student’s satisfactory progress requirements but remain on the student’s academic record


Students who do not return at the end of the leave of absence will be withdrawn from the College effective as of the date they ceased attending/participating in classes or clinicals. To return, if an exception is not granted, requires readmission through the application process. All admission requirements at the time of reapplication are in effect for the student’s readmission including curriculum, course catalog, and policy updates.


Leave of Absence Types

Leave of Absence due to Service in the Uniformed Services

This section applies to students who are members of, or apply to be members of, perform, have performed, applies to perform, or have an obligation to perform service in the uniformed services.  Service in the uniformed services means voluntary or involuntary service in the Armed Forces, including the Reserves or the National Guard, on active duty, active duty for training or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority for more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days. Such students, or appropriate officer of the Armed Forces or official of the Department of Defense, should notify, either orally or in writing, their Academic and Student Support Advisor as far in advance as is reasonable under the circumstances.

When a student is activated during the term, the College will:

  • Excuse tuition for that term. Any payment made will be credited to the student’s account.
  • Expunge the student’s record of registration so that the student is not penalized for being called to active duty. If a student is called to active duty near the end of the term, the student and faculty members may determine that incomplete (I) grades are more appropriate. In this case, tuition will not be waived.

Emergency Leave of Absence

Emergency leaves of absence may be granted when a student cannot continue attending class after the start of a term due to a life event (other than a personal medical reason), that disrupts attendance for that term. 

Medical Leave of Absence

A medical leave of absence is offered by the College for students who develop a major medical condition (physical and/or psychiatric) that precludes class attendance and/or completion of class requirements. A doctor’s note typed on physician’s letterhead with physician’s signature (notes on prescription pads will not be accepted) is required and must indicate:

  • the length of the student’s medical leave of absence with specific dates relevant to the when to begin the medical leave of absence (such as date of surgery, hospitalization, treatment, etc.) that falls within the current term.
  • the physician’s recommendation to discontinue all courses in the term and anticipated return date/term.

If student does not return after two consecutive terms the student will be automatically withdrawn from the college “for health reasons” effective the date of the initial break in enrollment occurred.

Procedures for Reentry from Leave of Absence

The student should contact their Academic and Student Support Advisor no later than four weeks prior to the start of the term that they are planning to return. Upon notification of reentry, the Advisor will work with the Academic Program Director as needed to review curriculum and College catalog, student preparation, and upcoming course offerings. The Advisor will work with the Registrar to review prior record details to best guide student towards next steps. Next steps may involve re-application through the admission processes or other record updates to ensure compliance and accurate college reporting. All current student requirements at the time of re-entry are in effect for the student’s re-activation including curriculum, course catalog, and policies.

Returning from a Uniformed Services Leave of Absence

When a student returns to the College after completion of service in the uniformed services, they will notify their Academic and Student Support Advisor in writing via email along with discharge/release paperwork from uniformed service and anticipated return date. The student’s Advisor will assist the student with next steps including guidance towards registration and/or readmission.

Returning from an Emergency Leave of Absence

When a student returns to the College after an emergency leave of absence, they will notify their Academic and Student Support Advisor in writing via email along with an anticipated return date. The student’s Advisor will assist the student with next steps including guidance towards registration and/or readmission.

Returning from a Medical Leave of Absence

When a student returns to the College after completion of medical leave of absence, they will notify their Academic and Student Support Advisor in writing via email along with a medical release that clears the student to return to all classroom, simulation, and clinical education activities and anticipated return date. The student’s Advisor will assist the student with next steps including guidance towards registration and/or readmission.

  • Approval to return in time for registration requires that all required documentation is received within four weeks prior to the term for which the student is seeking reentry.

Inadequate medical documentation or any other information submitted may preclude removal of the medical leave of absence.