Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Integrity

The College is dedicated to creating and maintaining an environment of civility. The following statement reflects our beliefs. We, the students, faculty, staff, and administrators of Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College are committed to essential tenets that include:

  1. Creating an environment where we value and respect each other;
  2. Promoting a community that encourages the tolerance of divergent opinions and constructive resolution of conflict;
  3. Exchanging ideas and enriching our lives through exploration of our multi-faceted culture;
  4. Embracing responsibility, honesty, and courtesy;
  5. Respecting the dignity, rights, and freedoms of every community member;
  6. Respecting the intellectual and physical property of others; and
  7. Respecting College property, including both public and private spaces.

We, as a community of learners, are affirming our values to guide our actions and behaviors.

The College is committed to providing an environment in which its students, faculty, and staff are treated with courtesy, respect, and dignity. As a learning community, the College encourages open, honest and free discussion, inquiry and expression. All members of the College share in the responsibility to uphold the integrity of the academic community. Students are expected to maintain the highest level of personal integrity compatible with the College Mission, our Values, and Code of Conduct, and to obey laws enacted by federal, state, and/or local governments. Students are expected to uphold these standards as health team members in and out of the classroom and practicum settings.

The College may suspend, dismiss or otherwise discipline any student whose conduct is detrimental to the College or to a member of the College community. Conduct not in accordance with the College’s Student Integrity standards includes, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Cheating or knowingly assisting another student in an act of academic dishonesty. The term “cheating” includes but is not limited to:
    1. Acquisition or possession of tests or other academic material that belong to a member of the College faculty or staff without permission;
    2. Knowingly providing or using any unauthorized assistance on quizzes, tests or examinations;
    3. Dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments;
    4. Altering, forging, changing markings, or misusing any College documents (e.g., exams, scantrons, grade-records, transcripts, certifications, stationery).
  2. Classroom and/or clinical performance deficiencies, which may include: a. Failure to perform aspects of nursing care in a thoughtful and professional manner;
    1. Failure to treat patients with respect and dignity both in their presence and in discussion with peers;
    2. Failure to display concern for the total patient;
    3. Failure to deal with class peers, professional and staff personnel, faculty, and all other members of the health care team in a considerate, respectful manner and with a spirit of cooperation;
    4. Failure to maintain confidentiality of information regarding patients, classmates, and faculty;
    5. Failure to follow HIPAA policies related to patient confidentiality and privacy protections as described below;
    6. Failure to perform duties to the best of one’s ability and persevering until duties are complete or notifying responsible persons of problems;
    7. Failure to assume responsibility for patient care with appropriate supervision;
    8. Failure to identify emergencies and respond appropriately; and
    9. Failure to be honest in written and verbal documentation on health/patient records, course work and other documents.
  3. Misrepresenting oneself or the facts to administration, admission advisors, College committees, faculty, staff, or healthcare team;
  4. Attempting to enter or entering the College without authorization;
  5. Harassing, exploiting or intimidating any member of the College community;
  6. Violating the College’s social media policies;
  7. Threatening to use or using force to inflict harm upon any person on College premises or during College related activities;
  8. Acting in a manner which is rude and/or disruptive during educational or extracurricular activity;
  9. Making a known false report of an emergency situation in the College or on any premises of the College or premises related to College activities;
  10. Stealing, assisting or attempting to steal College property or property of any member of the college community;
  11. Damaging, destroying, or defacing College property or property of any member of the College community;
  12. Illegal Gambling;
  13. Possessing, storing, or using firearms, weapons, or explosives in any area of the College premises or any practicum site or other premises used by the College;
  14. Violating the College’s smoking, alcohol, or drug policies;
  15. Violating the College’s anti-harassment or social media policies;
  16. Violating any College policy or soliciting any other person to violate any College policy;
  17. Students are required to complete HIPAA training prior to beginning clinical rotations. In addition to BJC Privacy and Security Policies, the federal HIPAA law requires protected health information to be kept confidential. In order to protect this right to confidentiality and to comply with federal and state laws, students must hold all information gained through their clinical assignments at any facility in the strictest confidence. Sharing patient information via any means, including electronic media, is considered a breach of confidentiality. Violations of HIPAA policies while in clinicals may result in disciplinary action by the College, including immediate dismissal, disciplinary action by the host facility, and/or federal or state civil or criminal penalties.

The College reserves the right to address other inappropriate behavior that does not clearly fall within the identified standards of conduct above. The College may suspend, dismiss or otherwise discipline any student whose conduct violates the College’s policies and standards.