College Regulation of Other Drugs
Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing at prohibits the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale, transfer, or use of any illicit or illegal drug or controlled substance, including without limitation, marijuana and cannabis-derived material, opium and its derivatives, hallucinogens, amphetamines or methamphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine or crack, and prescription medications illegally obtained. Any student violating this policy will be subject to College disciplinary procedures. Any illicit/illegal drugs, or controlled substances and drug paraphernalia, will be confiscated by the College. Prescription drugs not used in conformity with the prescription are considered illicit or illegal drugs under this policy. The College cooperates with local law enforcement in these matters.
All drugs and drug paraphernalia will be confiscated by the College and turned over to law officials. Any student violating this policy will be subject to College disciplinary procedures. The College cooperates with local law enforcement in these matters.
Students are prohibited from being under the influence of drugs while on College property or attending College-sponsored or College-financed functions or while holding themselves out as representatives of the College. “Under the influence of drugs” is defined as displaying behavior such as staggering, glassy eyes, strong odor of banned substances, incoherence, lack of judgment, unconsciousness (passed out), or other behaviors which indicate the use or influence of drugs.
Marijuana, for recreational or medicinal use, is illegal under federal law. Any college or university that receives federal funds must prohibit the unlawful possession and use of illegal drugs, including marijuana. Even where otherwise permitted under local or state law, recreational or medicinal marijuana use, possession or influence on College premises or at College events is prohibited. Testing positive for marijuana, including medical marijuana, may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.