Fire and Inclement Weather Procedures
Compliance with the following procedures will afford maximum safety of students and visitors. Active and knowledgeable action in time of disaster, utilization of available facilities for safety and evacuation, and initiation of a system whereby all persons can be accounted for in case of a disaster is the best assurance of survival.
- Procedure for Fire Warning: The fire alarm is a constant horn that sounds regularly and flashes on every floor:
- Close windows and doors; turn off lights; then exit the building;
- Do not use elevators.
- Procedures for Fire Drills:
- Regular fire drills are held with the date, time, and type of drill determined by the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Department of Environmental Health and Safety (Duncan Campus site).
- Procedure for Tornado Warning: When the city issues a warning by activating the horn system or by the Weather Bureau announcement:
- Remain calm; close blinds or curtains in the room/office;
- Go to the lowest possible level;
- The Parkview and Plaza Auditoriums on the Duncan Campus site should be used during inclement weather since these rooms do not have windows;
- When the "All Clear" is issued through the horn system or by the Weather Bureau announcement, individuals may return to their activities;
- Follow all directions provided by the BJH Public Safety officer or from College leadership;
- For weather warnings at the West Campus site, please follow the directions of College personnel. Go to the hospital building, if possible and there is enough time to reach the safe zone. If not, go to the interior simulation lab without windows or to the restroom.
- Procedure for Earthquake: In the event of an actual quake, there will be no time for an alarm:
- During the Shaking:
- DO NOT PANIC. The motion and violent shaking is frightening; however, unless you are struck with falling debris, it is usually harmless;
- If inside, remain inside. DO NOT RUN OUTSIDE;
- Individuals should move to the hallways;
- Take cover under beds, tables, or against inside walls;
- Stay away from windows/glass;
- Do not use any open flame devices (i.e., candles, matches, etc.);
- Do not run through building. If outside, stay away from buildings. The greatest danger from falling debris is just outside the doorway and near to outer walls;
- Once in the open, STAY THERE until the shaking stops;
- If you are in a moving vehicle, stop as quickly and safely as possible, and remain in the vehicle.
- After the Shaking:
- Check for injuries;
- Follow treatment procedures as instructed;
- DO NOT use any open flame devices until the building has been inspected and declared safe;
- Check utilities. However, do not turn them on until the building has been checked for broken water/gas lines, fallen wires, etc.;
- If gas is leaking, open windows and shut off the main gas valve;
- Evacuate the building as instructed or as may become necessary;
- DO NOT use telephones except for emergencies;
- Turn on portable radios to get the latest emergency bulletins;
- If the building, or any portion thereof, has been damaged, DO NOT let anyone ENTER or RE-ENTER until an “all clear” has been issued.
- Procedure for Disaster within Medical Center
- When authorities have been notified of a disaster, the Command Center for the College is Room 530 (314-362-9238). Faculty members will account for students in their classes within the Duncan Campus site and at the West Campus site. Faculty in clinical areas within the medical center account for themselves and their students and notify the Barnes-Jewish College Command Center. Clinical instructors and students remain in the clinical area and await further instructions.
- College employees and students must wear ID Badges. In extreme circumstances, students may be contacted at home to come in and assist with the disaster management.