Student Handbook 2023

Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal

Satisfactory Academic Progress: 

Earning term grades equivalent to a 2.5 GPA (Undergraduate) and 3.0 GPA (Graduate) regardless of the number of credit hours taken. 

Academic Probation
A student whose progress falls below satisfactory progress requirements shall be placed on academic probation. The student will be notified of the probationary status and informed of resources available for academic improvement.

A student will be placed on academic probation if:

The Student’s cumulative GPA 
Undergraduate Falls below 2.5 at the end of any term or after their first failure (D or F)
Graduate Falls below 3.0 at the end of any term

Clinical performance is unsatisfactory;

The student has been censured for academic misconduct.

A student receives a withdrawal grade (W) in any course
- Student can have a maximum of three individual course withdraws for each degree-level (Undergraduate, Graduate) while enrolled at Goldfarb. After the first withdraw, a student is put on Academic Probation to provide additional support and resources. If a student exhausts their maximum number of course withdraws, the student will receive the grade earned in any subsequent course(s). 

Withdrawals as a result of a Leave of Absence will not be counted in a student’s satisfactory progress requirements but remain on the student’s academic record.

A student is removed from academic probation when:
The Student’s cumulative GPA
Undergraduate Reaches 2.5 or higher at the end of the specified term
Graduate Reaches 3.0 or higher at the end of the specified term

The unsatisfactory clinical performance is remedied;

Terms of the sanctions have been satisfied.

Academic Dismissal
Goldfarb School of Nursing maintains high academic standards. Failure to satisfy the College’s academic standards may result in academic dismissal from the College. A student may be dismissed from the College based on academic performance for:
1. Cumulative grade point average below a 2.5 (Undergraduate) and 3.0 (Graduate) after two consecutive terms if satisfactory progress is not made;
2. Inability to successfully complete any course in two attempts (D, F, are unsuccessful attempts); 
3. Failure in two different courses; or Failure in the same course twice.
4. Receiving a grade below a B- in any clinical or practicum course or a “Fail” in any Pass/Fail course (Graduate); or
5. Receiving a grade below a B- in more than one didactic course (Graduate).
6. For students returning from a leave of absence (medical, emergency, armed services), a review of academic history and course progression can be conducted by the Dean or Associate Dean of Student Experience and Development to determine academic standing for the returning term.


Appeal of Academic Dismissal
A student dismissed for academic performance may appeal the dismissal. Within 7 business days of the term ending, dismissed students will be notified of their right to appeal. Appeals are completed using an electronic form sent to their official Goldfarb email account. The appeal should focus on how the student intends to improve academic performance and include any necessary documentation. 

Electronic appeals must be submitted within 10 business days of the email notification. The Student Affairs Committee will evaluate the appeal using a standard set of guidelines; the student will be informed by certified mail within 4-6 weeks of the initial dismissal notice. 

If the decision of the committee is to approve the appeal and allow continuance in the program, the student will be added back to their program in the next term after their dismissal and placed on academic probation. Failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress including cumulative GPA standards and successful attempts in all coursework (D, F, and W grades are unsuccessful attempts) after returning from dismissal results in a permanent dismissal with no ability to appeal. Therefore, students returning from dismissal are required to pass all subsequent courses and any course failures will result in a second dismissal with no ability to appeal. 

The decision of the Student Affairs Committee will be communicated to student within 10 business days of their decision. The Student Affairs Committee will forward a copy of the committee’s decision/recommendation to the Dean of Academic Affairs. 

If the student wishes to appeal the dismissal decision of the Student Affairs Committee, they must submit the appeal in writing to the Dean of Academic Affairs within 10 business days of receipt of the Student Affairs Committee’s decision. The Dean will make the final determination and provide the decision in writing to the student, the Student Affairs Committee, and the Office of the Registrar within 10 days of receipt of the appeal.