Writing Services
Writing Services
Writing Services are made available for all current students to support their writing needs in all academic programs. Goldfarb School of Nursing has contracted with professional writing consultants to provide writing services to our students at the Duncan and West Campus sites, as well as students taking classes via an online format. The writing consultation service is conducted via Goldfarb email.
A student can receive authorization for these services by sending an email to their Academic and Student Support Advisor with a description and due date of their writing assignment. The Academic and Student Support Advisors by program and campus site are:
- Jessica Allen at jessica.allen@barnesjewishcollege.edu (Accelerated, MSN all programs, DNP and DNP programs)
- Janine Russell at janine.russell@barnesjewishcollege.edu (BSN Upper Division – Duncan Campus Site)
- Jane Cornbleet at jane.cornbleet@barnesjewishcollege.edu (BSN Upper Division – West Campus Site
The authorization will need to be renewed for each term.