Welcome to Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College!
As a member of the Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College community, Goldfarb affords a wealth of resources to support your success. You are a member of an academic community and a part of a professional school of nursing that builds on your existing knowledge of liberal arts and humanities. You know of the dedication to the discipline and the intense curricula that require sacrifices of time away from other pursuits.
Becoming educated in a professional school requires the attainment of important competencies. Some of these are technical in nature, others in leadership, advocacy and formation. Further, the focus in professional nursing shifts from individuals and encompasses families and communities, regardless of the program of study.
Ours is a diverse and inclusive community for those who possess high intellectual abilities, but that is not enough. Nursing requires the ability to work resiliently and resourcefully with a tolerance for ambiguity. The nature of nursing work further requires exactness, empathy and advocacy. Last, we look for you to show the confidence to command and initiate action, all in name of patient, family and community well-being.
As with any community, there are rules and guidelines that have been developed to ensure a supportive and appropriate environment for learning. While these rules pertain to students, they are consistent with the expectations for all members of the Goldfarb community. This handbook contains important policies and procedures that reflect tenets for citizenship in this learning community. There are times when this reference guide will be used at critical junctures to aid you and others in decision-making. There are practices outlined that will enable not only individual success, but the success of the learning community. Use this reference wisely and often. It is a guide for your development and success.
For the vast majority of our students, nursing school will be a challenging and worthwhile experience. By taking the time to become familiar with the expectations and policies outlined in this document, we hope this will allow you to focus on the best parts of college life and to truly discover your own future at Goldfarb. I am so pleased that you have chosen Goldfarb for your nursing undergraduate or graduate education. All of us are here to support you.
Again, welcome to Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College.
Warm regards,

Michael D. Ward, Ph.D, RTR, FASRT, FMoSRT
Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Diversity & Professor